Exit an Event


When the event is over – or if you need to make changes to your event – you can use a hidden hotspot to exit the event.

This prevents others from ending the event early and can keep your Salsa secure, especially when using an Event Passcode.


How To

Exit Your Event


To exit the event and return to the Event Dashboard:

  1. Double-tap the top left corner of the iPad screen

  2. Enter in your Event Passcode (if turned on)

  3. Tap Dashboard

What To Know

Event Passcode and Admin Menu


When ending your event you may need to enter in your Event Passcode.

The Event Passcode prevents guests from accidentally leaving the event while it is still running and protects your personal information and other events.

Once the Event Passcode has been entered you’ll be presented with the Admin Menu, which allows you to select either Dashboard or Quick Gallery.


  • Selecting Dashboard will take you back to the Event Dashboard to make adjustments to the event or select another event.

Quick Gallery

  • The Quick Gallery works exactly as Gallery Mode to view and share previous captures from this event. This can be used if your event does not have Gallery Mode turned on.

Learn more about Gallery Mode

How To

Reset Event Passcode


If you forget the Event Passcode and cannot end the event, you can reset it from the Salsa web app.

  1. Log into the Salsa web app

  2. Click Manage Account

  3. Click Security

  4. Click the Edit Pencil next under Event Passcode

  5. Enter in a new passcode

Learn more about Event Passcode


Reactivate Your Salsa Subscription


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