

Let your guests keep a copy of their captured memories – digitally or physically – using one or more of the many sharing options available, and use surveys to collect additional information to provide more value to your clients.



What is Sharing?


Sharing allows guests to print or send themselves event captures to view, download, and share on social media during an event, either directly from the photo booth or from a sharing station.

Sharing options available:

  • Email

  • Text

  • AirDrop

  • QR Code

  • Printing

You can also include data collection by turning on the Survey feature, which will require guests to answer either multiple-choice or open open-ended questions before sharing their capture.

Note: Email sharing is the only option available for Virtual Events.


Email Sharing


Email Sharing allows guests to send captures to their email address from an in-person event, virtual event, or sharing station.

Email Sharing provides the greatest amount of customization and branding for your event.

With Email Sharing you can customize:

  • Sender name

  • Subject line

  • Reply-to address

  • Messaging

Email addresses submitted by guests are saved as part of the event’s sharing data and can be downloaded after the event for marketing or other purposes.

By default, emails are sent from a generic email address ( This can be changed to your own business email address using the Custom Sending Address feature for a completely customized experience.

Note: Custom Sending Address requires a custom domain name.

Learn more about customizing Email Sharing


Text Sharing


Text Sharing allows guests to send captures to their phone via SMS by entering in their phone number from an in-person event or sharing station.

Text Sharing is one of the most convenient ways for guests to share captures.

With Text Sharing you can customize:

  • Messaging

Phone numbers submitted by guests are saved as part of the event’s sharing data and can be downloaded after the event for marketing or other purposes.

Note: The ability to successfully receive Text Shares can be dependent on the guests’ phone settings and carrier restrictions. Some guests may not receive texts if they have blocked messages from unknown numbers or if their carrier has restrictions for certain text messages.

Learn more about Text Sharing tip for a successful delivery

What To Know

Text Sharing Outside the United States


+1 (United States) is the default country code that is automatically attached to the guests’ phone numbers when sharing captures via text.

The country code can be changed by the guest at the time of sharing during the event. However, the country code will revert back to the default after each share.

The default country code can be changed for the entire event from the advanced settings under Text Sharing.


AirDrop Sharing


AirDrop Sharing allows guests to send captures to themselves and others instantly without an email address, phone number, or even an internet connection.

AirDrop is only compatible with other Apple devices (such as an iPhone) and guests will need to be physically near the photo booth or sharing station when sharing.

Note: Guests will not be prompted to complete a survey when sharing via AirDrop.


QR Code Sharing


QR Code Sharing allows guests to share their captures without having to physically interact with the booth.

Guests simply scan a QR code that is displayed on-screen after a session, that takes them to a website where they can enter their email address or phone number to share their capture.

Use QR Code sharing and enable Hands-Free Mode to create a completely touchless experience for the event.

Learn more about Hands-Free Mode




Printing allows guests to receive a physical copy of their Photo Mode captures.

Printing can be done either wirelessly using Apple’s AirPrint functionality, or with a wired printer.

Note: Wired printing is only available with the Guac and Chips photo booth and printer.

AirPrinting may require additional hardware.

Events can be set up to print manually using a print button on the sharing screen, automatically after each capture, or both.

Other settings for printing include:

  • Maximum number of prints per session

  • Number of auto print copies

  • Maximum number of prints at event

The advanced settings for Printing provides controls for making adjustments to how photo captures are printed.

Learn more about Advanced Printing Settings

View the guides below for a complete walkthrough for setting up printing at your events:




Surveys are a data collection feature that provides the opportunity to gather additional information from guests beyond their phone number or email address.

This feature can be used to ask guests for consent to be placed on a mailing list, to obtain their name and other demographic information, or simply as a fun quiz game at weddings or birthdays.

Surveys require at least one question but can consist of multiple-choice options, a field for guests to type an answer, or both.

Results are available for download, along with other sharing data, within the Event Analytics.

Note: Guests will not be prompted to complete a survey when sharing via AirDrop.

Surveys are not available in Virtual Events

What To Know

Sharing While Offline


If the iPad used for running the event is not connected to the Internet, Fiesta iOS app will automatically enter into Offline Mode.

While in Offline Mode, all sharing options enabled for the event will still be available, however guests will not receive their captures immediately when sharing via Email, Text, or QR code.

Guests’ email addresses and phone numbers will be stored and queued to be sent out once the iPad reconnects to the Internet and the Fiesta iOS app is open.

If your event requires that guests receive their captures immediately, you may want to offer AirDrop as a sharing option.

Note: Guests will not be prompted to complete a survey when sharing via AirDrop.

AirDrop requires guests to have a compatible iOS device, such as an iPhone, to receive captures.

Learn more about Offline Mode

What To Know

Analytics, Sharing Data, and Survey Results


Event Analytics is a tool that can help you better understand how successful an event was, what the most popular capture modes and sharing options were, and much more.

Throughout the event, guests’ phone numbers, email addresses, and survey results are collected and are available for download from the Analytics section on the Event Dashboard.

Learn more about Analytics and downloading sharing data and survey results


Event Dashboard


iPad And DSLR Event Effects