How To Change Your Fiesta Account Password


Your Fiesta account is the key to accessing your events, Marketing Materials, the Photobooth Academy, and more. If you need to update or reset your password, you’re in the right place.


Quick Start

Change Your Fiesta Account Password Video Walkthrough


Changing your password using the Fiesta app is really as easy as 1, 2, 3!

In this video, you will learn:

  • How to change the password

  • Where the password change is located


What Is Your Fiesta Account Password?


Your Fiesta account password is half of the key used to access your events, Marketing Materials, the Photobooth Academy, and more.

The password for your account is originally set when creating a Fiesta account. Your password can be changed at any time when logged into your account.

You can also reset your password if it has been forgotten and you can’t log in.

How To

Change Your Fiesta Account Password


Your password can be changed from the Security section of your account.

To change your password:

  1. Log in to Fiesta

  2. Click your profile and select Security

  3. Enter your current password

  4. Enter the new password

  5. Re-enter the new password to confirm

  6. Click Change Password

IMPORTANT: After changing your password, you may want to log out and back in to the Fiesta iOS app with the new password to avoid any disruption to your events.

How To

Reset A Forgotten Password


If you’ve forgotten your password and cannot log in to your account, you can reset it and have an email sent to the email address used for your Fiesta account.

To reset your password:

  1. Visit the Reset Password page

  2. Enter your Fiesta account email address

  3. Click Reset Password

  4. Check your inbox for an email from

    Note: The email may get filtered into a spam folder

  5. Click the Reset Password link in the email

  6. Enter the new password

  7. Re-enter the new password to confirm

  8. Click Reset Password

IMPORTANT: After resetting your password, you may want to log out and back in to the Fiesta iOS app with the new password to avoid any disruption to your events.

What To Know

Best Practices For Setting And Managing Passwords


When setting or managing any account password, it may be helpful to follow some best practices.

Here is a short list of suggestions:

  • Don’t use the same password across several accounts

  • Avoid making an easily guessed password

  • The longer and more complex the password, the better

  • Consider using a password manager


How To Change Your Fiesta Account Login


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