Event Branding


Create a consistent guest experience across your Live Gallery, Event Proposals, and Email Shares.



What is Event Branding?


Event Branding is a set of features that allow you to create a consistent guest experience across your Virtual Booth, Live Gallery, Event Proposals, and Email Shares.

Add your logo, company information, and develop call-to-action buttons to build brand awareness at your events.


Accent Color


The Accent Color is a custom color of your choice that applies to various elements of the gallery, sharing, and proposal.

Select your color to immediately create a sense of cohesiveness between the screens guests engage with during and after the event.


Background Color


The Background Color is a custom color of your choice that applies to the background of email shares.

This allows you to further customize the sharing experience your guests will see.



Add a JPG or PNG file to be displayed on all branded screens using the Logo feature. Link your logo to your website URL and easily build brand awareness with all of the guests at an event.


Event Subtitle


Write a short Event Subtitle to say a bit more to guests who are interacting with the Live Gallery and Sharing methods.

Featured Image


By default, the Feature Image section will display the first three captures from the event. Upload a JPG or PNG image to be used as a cover photo behind the lead section on the Live Gallery.

  • How the image is displayed will vary based on the size of the screen the Live Gallery is viewed from

  • The recommended size is 1600 x 1600 pixels

Note: The Featured Image is also used for designing the Proposal.




Choose whether your Live Gallery has a light or dark Theme, to match your customized choices.


Call-To-Action Button


Add a Call-To-Action button and drive guest traffic to another website of your choosing.

The button consists of two parts:

  • Button URL: This is the web or email address that visitors are taken to when they click the button

  • Button Label: This is the text within the button that urges them to click


Social Sharing


Provide guests the ability to share captures across a variety of social media platforms.

In the Social Sharing section, you can choose which social media platforms you’d like to show for guests to use for sharing.

Additionally, you can add either a Default Sharing Caption for all platforms, or create specific captions for each platform. These captions will be added along with the link that guests share.


Company Info


Add your company name, email, website, phone number, and social media accounts to help you turn guests into clients!

Check the Use Company Default Buttonto quickly add this information to any event.

Gallery Subdomain


Customizing the link to your Live Gallery is a quick and easy way to make it unique and provides a branding opportunity for you or your client.

Note: Custom Live Gallery subdomain requires a Fiesta Pro subscription.

What To Know

Managing Company Info In My Account


From the My Account section of Fiesta, you can manage your company’s website, phone number, and social media links.

  • Company Name: Enter your company or business name

  • Company Email: Enter a contact email address

  • Website URL: Enter your company’s web address

  • Public Phone Number: Enter your company’s phone number

  • Facebook: Enter a link to your company’s Facebook page

  • Instagram: Enter a link to your company’s Instagram page

  • Twitter: Enter a link to your company’s Twitter page

  • Terms and Conditions URL: A link to your company’s Terms and Conditions page

  • Privacy Policy URL: A link to your company’s Privacy Policy

What To Know

Customizing Specific Parts Of Your Event


While using Brand Settings gives your event consistency in a multitude of stages, you can edit specific parts of an event for full-level customization to make each event unique and special for each of your clients.


iPad Camera Settings


Virtual Event Sharing