Account Management


Fill out your information on the My Account page to connect your booth to your business. Easily display your company information on the event Live Gallery, in Email Shares, Event Proposals, and more.



What is My Account?


The My Account page is where you can enter important information to connect your booth to your business.

Here, you’ll be able to add or update:

  • User Details

  • Company Details

  • Social Account

  • Legal Information

Filling this out makes setting up an event faster and easier, allowing you to instantly copy information to an event to be displayed on the event Live Gallery, in Email Shares, Event Proposals, and more.


User Details


Your User Details should already be filled out with the information provided when creating an account.

This information is solely for your Fiesta account registration and for your own records and is not displayed publicly to clients or guests.

User Details include:

  • First and last name

  • Email address

  • Phone number

Note: Changing the email address will also change your Fiesta Account Login used for accessing your account.

Learn more about changing your Fiesta Account Login


Company Details


The Company Details section gives you the opportunity to provide guests with your company’s name, email address, website, and phone number so that they can contact you.

Company Details include:

  • Company name

  • Company email

  • Website URL

  • Public phone number

You can automatically add the Company Details to an event from the Branding settings by turning on Company Info.

Company Details are displayed on:

  • Virtual Booth

  • Email Shares

  • Live Gallery

  • Event Proposal

  • Portfolio

Learn more about adding your Company Details to an event


Social Accounts


The Social Accounts section provides you the opportunity to add links to your business’s social media accounts. You can add one, two, or all three.

Adding your social media accounts will allow you to display links to each site so that guests can click and view them, expanding your overall company and brand visibility.

Social media accounts you can add include:

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • Instagram

You can automatically add the Social Accounts information to an event within the event’s Branding settings by turning on Company Info.

Social Accounts are displayed on:

  • Virtual Booth

  • Email Shares

  • Live Gallery

  • Event Proposal

  • Portfolio

Learn more about adding your Social Accounts to an event



The Legal section allows you to add links to your company’s terms and conditions, and privacy policy to inform guests.

Providing these links can be useful, and in some cases necessary, if guests’ captures or contact information is expected to be used beyond sharing captures with the guest.

You can automatically add links to the Legal information to an event within the event’s Branding settings by turning on Company Info.

Legal information is displayed on:

  • Virtual Booth

  • Email Shares

  • Live Gallery

  • Event Proposal

  • Portfolio

Learn more about adding your legal information to an event.


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