How To Set Up A 360 Event


Table Of Contents

Quick Start Video

360 Event Creation


Creating an event for your 360 booth using the Fiesta Software is as easy as three steps. Designed to be streamlined to get you going as quickly as possible, you can focus more on your clients and your events!

In this video you will learn:

  • How to create a 360 Event

  • How to set 360 capture settings

  • How to set 360 camera settings

Step One

Create The Event


Creating an event for a 360 booth follows similar steps to creating other event types with Fiesta.

To create an event:

  1. Log in to Fiesta

  2. Select Create Event in the upper right

  3. Enter the Event Name

  4. Enter the Event Date

  5. Select 360 as the event type

  6. Select Create Event

Once the event has been created, it’s time to adjust the settings.

Note: Selecting a different event and changing the event type to 360 after creation can cause unintended affects as the settings are different across each event type

Step Two

Adjust Capture Settings


After the event has been created, it is important to set the desired capture rate and time in the Capture Mode settings.

To adjust the Capture Mode settings:

  1. Log in to Fiesta

  2. Select your 360 event

  3. Select Configure Event

  4. Select the Modes tab

This section will allow you to adjust all settings for your 360 event captures.

Note: 360 Events only have one capture mode option

Step Three

Adjust Camera Settings


When creating 360 events, it is important to remember this event type is designed to run on an iPhone. When setting up the camera settings for the event, make sure you are setting the in-app settings up on the device you plan to run the event from.

To Adjust the Camera Settings:

  1. Log in to the Fiesta iOS App

  2. Select your 360 event

  3. Select Configure Event

  4. Select the Camera Tab

From here you can select whether to use the device’s front or back camera, and directly adjust the camera settings. You can also toggle the Autostart on.

Learn more about Fiesta Camera Settings

Next Steps

iPhone Settings


Have your 360 event set up? Ready to take the next steps to prepare for your 360 event? You can take those next steps in getting your iPhone settings set up properly by following this link:

Fiesta iPhone Settings




How To Set Up Slo-Mo Mode