IMPORTANT: This is currently a Beta feature and not available to all users. If you experience any issues while using this feature, please reach out to our support team.
How To
Remote Camera Control
The event Remote Camera Control allows the camera settings from a live event to be adjusted from the Web App on another device! Never worry about the camera settings at a drop-off event again; the power to adjust settings while at another event, different location, or from the comfort of your home is now within your hands!
With the Remote Camera Control feature, camera settings will now be saved per event. This allows for more precise control and adjustment.
Activate Remote Camera Control
To access the event camera settings in the Web App:
- Log in to the Fiesta Web app
- Select the event
- Select the Camera tab
- Select Camera Settings
And that is all! These settings will mirror the settings on the iPad's setup.
Learn more about Camera Settings.